product contact, MF,UF, RO system Design parameters of the MF system feed flow is ~ 6.5 Kl./hr. with a permeate flow of ~6.0 Kl./Hr. Bleed out(reject) rate is 0.5 Kl./Hr Design parameters of the UF system, 10 kg/cm2 operating pressure, 6-12 degrees C temperature, feed flow is ~ 6.0 Kl./hr., with a permeate flow of ~4.5 Kl./Hr. Bleed out(reject) rate is 1.5 Kl./Hr. Design parameters of the RO system are as follows:40 bar(max) operating pressure, 6-12 degrees C. temperature, feed flow is ~ 1.5 Kl./hr., with a permeate flow of ~0.9 Kl./Hr. Bleed out(reject) rate is 0.6 Kl./Hr Designed for CIP and sanitizing steaming System contains pressure vessels, tanks, heat exchangers and pumps with interconnecting piping Skid mounted with electronic PLC controls