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IPP# 234963, 2.4 m3 (83 ft3) Stainless Steel 304 Dryer-Twin Shell & Double Cone For Sale

IPP# 234963, 2.4 m3 (83 ft3)  Stainless Steel 304  Dryer-Twin Shell & Double Cone For Sale
Stainless Steel 304
Paul O Abbe
2.4 m3 (83 ft3)
1.53 m3 (54 ft3)
1.03 bar (15 psi)
1.42 m3 (50 ft3)

jacket surface area is 93 Sq.Ft.. Standard jacket rated 15 psi and not code stamped Operating capacity is 65% of total volume, based on 50 lbs./ft3. material. Approximately 236" circumference with 36" cones. Gear driven by a SEW Eurodrive motor with brake 230/460v, 13.6/6.8 amps Motor type DFT100L4BM64 HR Motor is CE certified.
Can be used with Chromalux electric oil heater stock # 234972, available at additional cost.