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IPP# 229120, 418 L (110.4 gallons) Stainless Steel 321 Mixer-Intensive For Sale

IPP# 229120, 418 L (110.4 gallons)  Stainless Steel 321  Mixer-Intensive For Sale
Stainless Steel 321
Loedige Littleford Ploughshare
418 L (110.4 gallons)
24 kW (32.2 HP)
950 mm (37.4 in)
590 mm (23.2 in)
3x blade agitator & side wall chopper knife

top load and side discharge with a 3 blade agitator on bottom and a chopper knife on side wall open top cover with pneumatic operated cylinder underdriven by 3~/21/24kW/2955rpm/ExeG3 motor chopper knife is driven by a 5,5kW/3000rpm/ ExeG3 motor, with control cabinet.