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IPP# 206258, 239.6 m3/h (141 CFM) Stainless Steel 316L Pump-Vacuum For Sale

IPP# 206258, 239.6 m3/h (141 CFM)  Stainless Steel 316L  Pump-Vacuum For Sale
Stainless Steel 316L
239.6 m3/h (141 CFM)
38.1 mm (1.5 in)
38.1 mm (1.5 in)
Liquid Ring
1,590 L/h (7 GPM)

Seal connections 3/4" Pump will move 90-141 ACFM depending on suction pressure. (See Performance data & spec sheet). Weight 255 Lbs. Seal water required for partial seal return system 4 gpm Seal water required for no return system 7 GPM. Unit is direct coupled to motor and both are mounted on a 50" L x 15" W base.

IPP# 206258, 239.6 m3/h (141 CFM)  Stainless Steel 316L  Pump-Vacuum For Sale