maximum proven capacity = 1.16 kt ammonia per day
feedstock: natural gas 50bar,
specific consumption 0.62-0.64 Tm³/t
energy/utilities: natural gas 5bar 0.35-0.37 Tm³/t;
power 0.06-0.08 MWh/t;
steam consumption needed only during startup
4bar steam generation (export) 1 – 1.27 t/t;
16bar steam generation 0.1-0.2 t/t
CO2 emission 2.0-2.1 t/t
last major TARs: 2021 (reformer tubes exchange, syngas line renovation, catalyst change, turbines & compression overhaul, incl. 2.5-yearly DLRG (pressure equipment directive) inspections), 2019 (DCS migration user interface, SLPC, CUI measures, incl. 10-yearly DLRG inspections), 2017, 2014, 2011
• The plant consists of;
o Natural gas desulphurization
o Primary reformer (operates at 790°C and 30bar with the secondary reformer at 950°C)
o Secondary reformer with air compressors
o Natural gas desulphurization
o Primary reformer
o Secondary reformer with air compressors
o High and low temperature shift.
o CO2 removal
o Mechanization
o Syn gas compressor and air compressor
o Ammonia synthesis (reaction is 270 bar)
o Ammonia evaporation