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IPP# 706526, Ammonia Column System - 1701 Fertilizer and Agrichemical For Sale

  • IPP# 706526, Ammonia Column System - 1701 Fertilizer and Agrichemical For Sale IPP# 706526, Ammonia Column System - 1701 Fertilizer and Agrichemical For Sale
  • IPP# 706526, Ammonia Column System - 1701 Fertilizer and Agrichemical For Sale
Fertilizer and Agrichemical
Ammonia Plant

This 321 stainless steel, high-pressure ammonia recovery system was designed by ICI and built by Robert Jenkins, LTD.  The column is rated for 275 psig at 220°C.  The system used a high-pressure steam-driven reboiler to strip ammonia from crude amine products. The 321 stainless steel (10.5% Ni) column is 2.5' diameter by 54' straight side.  It has a design pressure of 275 psig/FV @ 220°C.  The column has 22 single-pass valve trays also constructed of 321 stainless steel.  The column has an internal overhead condenser mounted in the top head.  It also has an internally mounted reboiler in the bottom section of the column.  The system includes a feed interchanger, and a column overheads cooler.

IPP# 706526, Ammonia Column System - 1701 Fertilizer and Agrichemical For Sale