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IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons) Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale

IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
Quest International LTD
2,250 L (594.4 gallons)
12 bar (174 psi)
190 °C (374 °F)
1,600 mm (63 in)
1,175 mm (46.3 in)
openings top: (8) DN50, (1) 200mm, (1) 150mm, (1) 250mm, (1) 450mm manway cover, openings coils: each coil (2) 40mm, opening bottom: (1) 75mm
  • Incoloy 825 (2.4858)
  • Internal coils: 316 stainless steel, 40mm diameter, volume 90 liter, pressure rated 6.12 bar and full vacuum @ 190 degrees C
  • External coils: 316 stainless steel, 40mm diameter, volume 70 liter, pressure rated 6.12 bar and full vacuum @ 190 degrees C mechanical seal with lubricator
  • Motor: 1.5kW electrical, manufactured by Brook Crompton, 3~/50Hz/380-420V/940rpm, EExdIIBT4
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
IPP# 222988, 2,250 L (594.4 gallons)  Inconel Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale