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IPP# 235921, 1,893 L (500 gallons) Stainless Steel 321 Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale

IPP# 235921, 1,893 L (500 gallons)  Stainless Steel 321 Batch-Type Agitated Reactor For Sale
Stainless Steel 321
Superior Welding
1,893 L (500 gallons)
86.2 bar (1,250 psi)
343.3 °C (650 °F)
20.7 bar (300 psi)
398.9 °C (750 °F)
Stainless Steel 321
1,118 mm (44 in)
1,651 mm (65 in)
three side wall baffles,4" wide x 65" long.
Top openings are one 18" man way, one 2" inlet, one 1.5 vapor relief, one 3/4" for a thermocouple, one 2" dip pipe. One 2" outlet and two 2" coils inlet/outlet.

with welded 2:1 elliptical heads Internal coil, of 321 SS seamless pipe, is 2 & 3/8" diameter x 0.218 wall thickness. It has 13 turns with a 36" mean diameter on a 4" pitch. Mixing is by a 16" diameter radial type impeller rotating at 258 rpm Driven by a 5 HP motor, 440 v 60 Hz, 3 ph, and has a belt driven MagneDrive II series seal less magnetic drive, manufactured by Parker/Autoclave Engineers. This drive arrangement features Contamination free mixing, and zero atmospheric leakage