24000 liter working volume, half way down the straight side the vessel unbolts into 2- parts, top mounted hydraulic driven agitator drive, powerpack driven by 37kW, 3/50/380/660 volt, 1475 rpm EEx d IIB T3 IP55 motor, system includes (1) built on Touch controller, (1) approx 75 liter 316 stainless steel preparation liquid tank, weld flat top and bottom, 400mm diameter x 600mm straight side, (1) approx 196 liter stainless steel perfume tank, weld flat top and bottom, 500mm diameter x 1m straight side, (1) 316 stainless steel rotary lobe pump, manufactured by Alfa Laval, model NMOG/822V, driven by 11/12.6kW, 3/50-60/400-690/460 volt, 1465/1755-1770 rpm IP56 motor, mounted on a baseplate