USG 600 H, PET pellet mill.
Cutter is Model 1.60/051141, rated 4500 Kg/Hr, 60 strands maximum capacity.
Designed for PET, Specific Weight 1.25 g/CuCM, with 240 to 370 pas viscosity.
Unit produces 4500 Kg/Hr product capacity, with a minimum draw-in speed of 80 m/min, and a maximum draw-in speed of 240 m/min.
Operating voltage is 5000 V/AC, Control Voltage is 230 V/AC; 24 V/DC, 50 Hz with a E E Designed to make a 4mm long x 2.8 x 3.8 diameter pellet.
With a E Ex eII T3 Enclosure.
Requires 4-6 bar pneumatic air supply.
0.03-0.05mm cutting gap, 0.2mm cutting gap transport.
2850 Kg Weight for the pellet mill.
280 Kg weight.