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IPP# 603031, 105mm lbs/yr Formaldehyde Plant 40% - 45% Chemical and Specialty Chemical For Sale

IPP# 603031, 105mm lbs/yr Formaldehyde Plant 40% - 45% Chemical and Specialty Chemical For Sale
IPP# 603031, 105mm lbs/yr Formaldehyde Plant 40% - 45% Chemical and Specialty Chemical For Sale
Chemical and Specialty Chemical, Petrochemical
Formaldehyde Plant
105mm lbs/yr at 40%-45% (capable of 37-51%)
Methanol, Oxygen

Formaldehyde Plant (Reichhold Design using metal oxide catalyst).

Available for operation in-place (Allentown, PA USA) or relocation globally.

Process Description:

The Formaldehyde plant (P501) is designed to produce formaldehyde by the catalytic conversion of methanol and oxygen controlled recycle gas. Formaldehyde is produced by the direct oxidation of methanol from the Methanol Storage Tank and Piping (P502). Emissions from the methanol storage tank and piping, during truck unloading, are captured by the Methanol Vapor Recovery System (C502). Emissions not captured by the vapor recovery system are fugitive emissions (Z550). The catalytic conversion reaction is carried out with the aid of a catalyst, which consists of molybdenum and iron oxides. The process gas is passed through the catalyst, contained in a multiple tube unit called the converter. It both heats the air-methanol mixture to the reaction temperature in the upper part of the catalyst tube and removes the heat of the reaction in the lower part. The formalin gases, which leave the converter, are cooled in an after-cooler where low-pressure steam is produced. The cooled gases enter an absorber where the formaldehyde is absorbed into water to produce up to a 53.0% Formaldehyde solution. In order to reach desired production rates, it is necessary to operate the plant under recycle conditions. Part of the gas mixture leaving the absorber stack is returned to a recycle tank where it is mixed with fresh air, at a controlled rate, to maintain oxygen content of 10 — 10.5% by volume. The remaining unused gas mixture goes to the Natural Gas fired (FML541) Catalytic Oxidizer (C501) where it is preheated and oxidized, in the presence of a catalyst, to harmless byproducts. These byproducts are released to the atmosphere through the Formaldehyde Incinerator Stack (5501).

Notes: Shut down in 2024.

IPP# 603031, 105mm lbs/yr Formaldehyde Plant 40% - 45% Chemical and Specialty Chemical For Sale
IPP# 603031, 105mm lbs/yr Formaldehyde Plant 40% - 45% Chemical and Specialty Chemical For Sale