Flat-bottom design with sweep powder-collection arm and type CB-160 centrifugal atomizer The unit is built throughout of polished steel/sanitary construction and can be used to process flavors, foods, pharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals. 8'6" diameter by 9'0" height spray chamber. Specifications: Relative Humidity - RH inlet = 50%; Feed Temperature - T feed =108 deg F; Ambient temperature - T ambient =n/a; Feed Solid Content - TS = 35%; Product Moisture Content - RM = 1%; Feed Rate - FER = 230 lbs/hr; Dry Gas Rate - PGR = 3343 lbs/hr; Gas Residence Time - GRT = 38.1 seconds; Chamber Pressure - Pch = n/a; Heat from Heater - Q htr = n/a;