76 kg/hr of powder Nominal evaporative capacity between 250-350 kgs/hr. exhaust 60-70 degrees C, (1) Niro FSD 0050-N 316 stainless steel spray dryer with internal fluid bed, type NVS-50 spray nozzle feed, chamber 3m diameter x 1.3m straight side x 2776mm high cone section, pneumatic hammers on side wall, 2- hinged inspection doors, gas disperser type DPS, (2) 316 stainless steel cyclones, 1 x 1.3m diameter x 3.1m high, 1 x 1.4m diameter x 5m high with hammers (1) direct gas fired supply air heater type NP 35.5, serial # 476, natural gas, nominal load 400 kw, pressure setting 34 bar (min), heater with Maxon airflo line burner type NP-III, size 35.5, (2) Maxon shut off valves, type 5000, size 1.1/4 (1) 0.540 m3/hr Feluwa piston feed pump, type ZGL-30/130-K63-2SM235HD, serial # 21/30824, 7.5 kw, 970 rpm, 1600 m head (max), belt driven 7.5 kw , 3/50/400 volt, 1000 rpm motor, (1) 7633 m3/hr exhaust fan, manufactured by B.Bille, type MT-800-250, order # 8635-N-4, air temperature 50 degrees C, belt driven by 37 kw, 3/50/415 volt, 2950 rpm motor, (1) kinpactor, (1) 1487 m3/hr filter bed fan, manufactured by B.Bille, type HT-25-530, serial # 8635-N-3, air temperature 30 degrees C, driven by 7.5 kw, 3/50/415 volt, 2890 rpm motor, (1) 4609 m3/hr supply air fan, manufactured by B.Bille, type MT-500-310, serial # 8635-N-2, air temperature 30 deg C, driven by 5.5 kw, 3/50/415 volt, 2900 rpm motor, (1) Aerzen roots compressor type blower, type GNA-10.0, 2800 rpm, driven by 3 kw, 3/50/415 volt, 2860 rpm motor, mounted in soudproof cabinet, (13 stainless steel rotary valves, 1 x Niro type DK200, driven by 0.55 kw, 220-240/320-415 volt, 1400 rpm motor, 2 x Niro type SST-208-BS-EX, 208mm diameter tapered rotor, explosion proof, driven by 0.37 kw, 220-240/320-415 volt, 900 rpm motor, (1) stainless steel centrifugal CIP pump, driven by 7.5 kw, 3/50/415 volt 2890 rpm motor (1) heater bank, type 400/240/3-VTI-191T46X23-D7, 3 bar @ 134 deg C, 3.5 liter volume (1) fibreglass scrubber tower, and other ducting, pipework & ancillaries,